Before the Session

  • Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
  • Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
  • Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media).



Play Sanctus Real’s “Pray” video and ask questions like:

  • We all know we need to pray, so why is it so hard for some of us sometimes?
  • What are we supposed to pray for or about and how do we know that?
  • What good do you think prayer accomplishes and why?
  • If you were given the assignment to write an academic paper about what happens when we pray, what would you write?



Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7, then watch the Bible Background Video.


Ask questions like these:

  • Why does the writer urge praying for our civil leaders?
  • What if we dislike those leaders or voted (or are going to vote against them)?
  • How does praying for our leaders being a tranquil life?
  • Have you prayed for guidance for the presidential candidates more than for God to make your candidate win?
  • Is it our role as believers to live a higher calling to pray for our leaders?
  • If God desires all people to be saved then how should we pray for that?
    Does it demand time, action, or both?
  • If Paul was “appointed,” then to what might we be appointed and why?



Play the War Room movie clip and ask:

  • What do you think of this presentation of prayer?
  • For what is Miss Clara praying?
  • Why is she asking for God to show her someone else to help?
  • Who in your life, if anyone, does the character of Miss Clara remind you of and why?
  • In what ways does this prayer reflect this scripture’s views on what it means to be a proper citizen?
  • Based on her example, what are some prayers we need to pray and why?
  • Where, or to whom, do you think you need God to send you and why?

Close in prayer.
Writer: Jon Self

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