Reminders for the Future

Prepare in Advance

Before the Session

  • Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
  • Retrieve, review, and have ready the videos listed below (links are provided on this session’s webpage).
  • Read through Psalm 111 to familiarize yourself with the passage.


  • ASK: “What is one of your worst church experiences? Did you feel like you needed a support group afterwards?”

Play My Bad Church Experience video.


  • Why was this prayer time awkward? What is the most awkward prayer that you have ever heard? Why is it hard for us to give thanks for our blessings? Why does that become harder around other people?
  • Before moving on… ASK: “What is one of your best church experiences ever in terms of praise and thanksgiving?”
  • (Alternate or additional opening: Play Party Matters video and let the chaos of discussion ensue.)




Invite someone to read aloud Psalm 111 then view the Bible Background Video.



Lead a discussion about the text with ideas from the video and the following ideas:

  • What does it mean to praise God? How does your church praise God? How do you praise God individually? How easy is it for you to express a proper attitude towards God like the psalmist?
  • If the Exodus experience/travel to the Promised Land was the ultimate act of deliverance for the Psalmist then what are the glorious acts of deliverance for us today?
  • If the covenant gives a positive spiritual structure for the Psalmist, what is a positive spiritual structure for you? Is your relationship with Christ a sufficient structure for you to grow in grace?
  • What are God’s expectations upon you in your relationship with God?


  • Have you heard about the militants killing people in Nigeria? What do you know about it?

If needed, play Nigerian Family Fleeing Militants video.

  • The psalmist seems positive about God and God’s greatness so what would the psalmist say to the displaced Nigerians?
  • What would you say to those people?
  • Does it make it hard for you sometimes to embrace God’s greatness when evil wins battles?
  • How do you fit that into your faith perspective?
  • Since the Psalmist had probably known bad times, does that encourage you?

Greatness of God

Play Greatness of our God music video.



Ask some follow-up questions like:

  • In review, what makes God so great?
  • What are some experiences you have had that show God’s greatness?
  • What does it mean to spend your life to know God’s greatness?
  • If possible, leave a minute or so for silent reflection/prayer then close in prayer.

By Jon Self

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