by admin | Jun 9, 2019 | Blog |
Faithelement session pages provide a lot of questions to use to prompt conversation in your group each week. You might wonder, “what is the correct answer” to the questions asked. There are different kinds of questions. Some questions deal with matters of fact, for...
by admin | Aug 11, 2015 | Blog |
“In light of what Paul says, how does our faith call us to respond?” (SILENCE). How do you feel when you ask a question and no one responds? Conversation is often a big part of a group’s time together. Questions, responses, discussion, story-telling, sharing… our...
by admin | Aug 10, 2015 | Blog |
Adversity is part of the human experience. No matter how good we might think things are for us now, most of us have had an experience that we would classify as “difficult”, “scary”, or even “a crisis.” Many of us either live in such times or are in deep fear of such...
by admin | Aug 10, 2015 | Blog |
Click the link shown below the video (on a Premium session’s webpage) to go to a page where the video may be downloaded (see screenshot below). Use the simple steps below to download the video to your computer’s hard drive for offline viewing. ...
by admin | Jul 18, 2015 | Blog, Premium |
If you’ve worked with youth for very long, chances are that you will have noticed that some of them seem like persistent “live wires,” while others can seem lethargic, even to the point of appearing disengaged. The presence of neither individual...
by admin | Jul 18, 2015 | Blog, Premium |
Editor’s note: As your group gathers for study and discussion, everyone also brings with them their viewpoints and perspectives. Sometimes, when these views enter the realm of politics (or a related polarized issue), discussion can become difficult and...