Before the Session

Facilitator: In advance of the session

  • Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
  • Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
  • Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media).


Share this page about differences between people and ask:

  • Complete the phrase, “there are two kind of people in the world…”
  • What do such categories suggest about what separates people?
  • What are some differences that you have between the people closest to you; what are some that you can’t tolerate; and why?
  • What does your approach to interpersonal differences suggest about you?


Read Romans 4:1-17, then watch the Bible Background Video.

Ask questions like these:

  • What two kinds of people in the world does this text suggest?
  • What are some of the things that separate people in this text?
  • Who is blessed in verses 1-8 and how are those categories made?
  • The promise to Abraham comes “through the righteousness of faith.” Why do you think this is an important point?
  • Verse 14 talks about adherence to the Law. How central is such adherence to your own idea of faith and why?
  • Imagine that someone is wondering “Who is in and who is out when it comes to God’s love?” What conclusions might such a person draw from reading this passage?
  • In what ways does the idea that grace is for everyone make the idea of grace seem stronger and not weaker?


Share the story of the Central College student.

  • The student was characterized by his anger and suspended, but the inclusivity of the team would not allow them to “quit” on him. In what ways does this sound like grace as you understand it?
  • What do stories like this teach about the notion of everyone being “in” the grace of God?
  • The student had everyone pulling for him, so how do you think that made a difference in his transformation?
  • The story said that transformation was “made easier when you find a home.” What could this mean for us in understanding the scriptures we discussed?
  • What does the idea of home mean for us in the way we claim people are “in” or “out?”
  • Nikki says that this text claims that grace “covers” people, perhaps before they need it. How do you respond to this and how does sound alongside Romans 4:16-17?
  • How can we find ways to provide the kind of “home” people need to find their way back to a sense of being “in” a community of grace?

Pray together to end the session, praying for all those who find a home in Christian community.
Writer: Erin Hall

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