Before the Session
Facilitator: In advance of the session
- Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
- Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
- Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media)
Context (From the Current Session Page)
Share this article on “Healthy Habits to Avoid in 2017” and ask:
- How are you doing with your goals, plans or resolutions for 2017 so far?
- What does it feel like when we fall short of our goals?
- Are there any trends, health fads, or diets that seem silly to follow?
- How do we know which ones are worth our effort, and how do we know which ones are ridiculous?
- How can we really know what forms us into better people?
- Which habits or practices in our spiritual journey are silly; which ones are meaningful to us; and how do we know the difference?
Content (From the Mind Session Page)
Read Micah 6:1-8, then watch the Bible Background Video.
Then ask questions like these:
- Why does Micah begin this passage with terms like “plead your case” and “indictment?”
- Who is the jury in this court, and why might God choose this particular jury?
- What perspective does creation have that human beings do not?
- Who brings the complaint here and who has broken their end of the agreement?
- What does God remind the people of Israel, in verses 3-5, of having done, and why does it matter in this case?
- What can we guess is the people’s offense from the rhetorical conversation in verses 6-8?
- What do the people think God requires of them, and what have they forgotten?
- Most of the sacrifices in verses 6-7 are technically correct, but why would they be so desperate to appease God in this way, and why isn’t it enough?
- What’s the difference between outward, physical acts of worship – like sacrifices, or worship attendance with tithes and offerings – and inward worship?
Closure (from the Media Session page)
Play the Time For Charity video and ask:
- What do you think of this video and why?
- To what degree do you think people view small spontaneous acts of charity as fulfilling some sort of “requirement” and why?
- As John said at the end of the end of the end of the video, sometimes we often barely care about ourselves. To what degree might this affect the way we struggle sometimes to love God’s people?
- How can we move past thinking whatever we will order off dollar menu and to how we can fulfill what our faith requires of us?
- How can we move past simple charity to true justice, as discussed in the scriptures?
- What are some ways we can walk humbly and do justice this week?
Close in prayer