Before the Session
Facilitator: In advance of the session
- Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
- Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
- Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media)
Context (from the Current Session Page)
As a group, take the “Which character are you” quiz. Some suggested quizzes:
Which Marvel character are you?
What Shakespeare Character are you?
What Simpsons character are you?
What fantasy/Sci-fi character are you?
What Disney character are you most like?
Ask questions like these:
- What are some of the most common ways we use to identify and classify a person and why?
- As these tests suggests, in what ways might you most often classify yourself and why?
- In what ways do you think that others classify you and why?
- In what ways do you think all this classifying and identifying people’s characteristics reflects our views of friendships?
Content (from the Youth Session Page)
Read James 3:13-4:10 and watch the Bible Background Video
Then ask questions like these:
- In what ways do your actions show that you are or are not a wise person?
- What does it say about someone if they continuously make bad decisions?
- How does bitterness, envy, and selfishness affect your friendships and why?
- When you get into disagreements, what role, if any, does God play in your thinking and why?
- What do you think it means when scripture tells us not to be friends with the world?
Closure (from the Media Session Page)
Play the Dear Kitten video and ask:
- If you had to choose between getting gaining wisdom from a cat or a dog, which would you choose and why?
- Does your life make you feel more like a dog covered in a hot dog costume or a cranky cat who cannot stay on subject and why?
- How can you tell when the advice someone else gives is really wise advice?
- Is it because of a lack of knowledge or a lack of something else?
- Most of the time, where do we find wisdom for our lives and why?
- From whom do you think you might receive wisdom, even though the process would be uncomfortable and why?
- How can we do more than see people in church, but have people see the church in us?
Close in prayer.