Before the Session
- Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
- Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
- Encourage your group to listen to the FaithElement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media).
Context (From the Current Session Page)
Share this article on mandatory vacation and ask:
- What do you find the biggest benefit to taking a break from work and going on a vacation?
- Where do you go and what are your usual priorities for spending your time when you go on vacation?
- At what points do you find that God is closest to you and how important is it for you to find that peace with God?
- What effect does it have on your life to take a vacation and find that time to connect with God?
- What is it like to have to come back when you’ve been on such a great vacation?
Content (From the Mind Session Page)
Read Luke 9:28-43a, and watch the Bible Background Video before asking the group:
- We read several times in the gospels that Jesus went up on the mountain to pray alone, so why do you think he might have chosen to take Peter, James, and John with him too?
- How might they have known it was Moses and Elijah the Jesus was talking with?
- Why are these two men significant considering who Jesus is and what he’s doing?
- What does Peter ask, and what does it say about how he’s feeling?
- In what way is the voice different from what was heard at Jesus’ baptism and for whose benefit do you think the voice speaks?
- Why do you think Peter, James, and John kept this experience to themselves?
- What effect might this contrast between the mountain top and the healing incident have had on Jesus and his disciples?
- Why do you think Luke placed this story directly after the Transfiguration, and why do you think he told it the way he did?
- Since Jesus is aware of the events that will lead to his arrest and death, what effect might the transfiguration have had on Jesus in this crucial time?
Closure (From the Media Session Page)
Play the Prank video and ask:
- What kinds of things would you do if you were working with a Transformer?
- How would we be able to use power or influence properly, assuming we had it?
- What might keep us to keep the things we derive from our relationship with God to ourselves instead of sharing them with humanity?
- How can we balance private moments with God and still be a part of God’s will in transforming our world and the people within it?
- What might change if we could invite other people to “travel with us” as God takes us through life?
Close in prayer.