We’ve all been saddened and shocked by the recent mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. As people of faith, called to bear peace and light, we wonder how something so tragic and hateful can occur.
In the event that some of our readers would desire to take a break from our scheduled curriculum to discuss, process, and pray about this event, we offer the following resources for your small group.
As you lead your small group Sunday, know that you are prayed for by our entire team. What you do matters—now more than ever.
In love and light,
Your friends at FaithElement

Use the links below to select resources that may be used along with your existing Bible study plan, or to create your own approach.
Offering our broken hearts to God in song.
Our Time Has Come (Daniel Bailey)
Congregational Song in Times of Tragedy (compiled by Rev. Anita Thompson)
Hymns in Times of Crisis (Hymn Society; free, but must register)
How do we pause to remember and move forward in hope?
Orlando Teaching Guide (Faithelement/Dr. David Adams)
Personal or small group activities (Revs. Erin R. Hall and Daniel Glaze)
Articles & Statements
Words from Faith leaders.
Response from the Alliance of Baptists
Response from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Response from New Baptist Covenant
Response from the United Church of Christ
Response from the United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Matt Cook, FBC Wilmington NC
Rev. Lee Hull Moses, First Christian Greensboro NC
Rev. Dr. George Mason, Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas TX
Rev. Dr. Julie Pennington-Russell, FBC Washington DC
Rev. Alan Sherouse, FBC Greensboro NC
Matthew Vines (Christian LGBT perspective)
Religious Liberty
What does this mean for Religious Liberty and Interfaith Dialogue?
Reaching out to our Muslim neighbors (Rev. Brent Walker/BJC)
President Obama’s response and tribute to Orlando
You may want also to check out this compilation of resources from Textweek.