Before the Session

Facilitator: In advance of the session

  • Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
  • Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
  • Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media)

Context (From the Current Session Page)

Share this video about the physics of ants and ask:

  • The Georgia Institute of Technology presented this to the American Physical Society meeting. How do you respond to these observations of nature with ants?
  • When has nature spoken to you, and how did you know?
  • What might you do if you wanted to feel more in touch with nature?
  • If you had your choice to go anywhere you wanted in order to “hear from nature,” where would that be and why?

Content (From the Mind Session Page)

Read Psalm 98, then watch the Bible Background Video.

Then ask questions like these:

  • What does it mean to sing a “new song” to the Lord?
  • Why do you think it’s important to find new reasons – and new ways – to praise God?
  • What has God done to deserve praise (verses 1-3), and on whose behalf?
  • The “ends of the earth” (v.3) is a metaphoric phrase – what does it really mean?
  • When have you ever exclaimed, sung or cried because you were overwhelmed by joy or some other emotion?
  • Why do you think music is a part of worshiping God?
  • We began today’s discussion talking about the word “praise.” As we read through the psalm, what other ideas have come to you about praise?
  • If we can bring praise to God by living God-honoring lives, how might even the “silent” creation bring praise to God?

Closure (from the Youth Session page)

Share together this Shane and Shane video and ask:

  • What is your favorite hymn, praise song, or other song of worship?
  • How do you feel about the worship you experience on a regular basis?
  • What is the most worshipful experience of which you have ever been a part and what made It so worshipful?
  • When you are truly worshiping God, what does it do to you?
  • In what ways does your worship change you?
  • How can your worship draw you closer to others and to God’s creation?

Close this session in prayer

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