Before the Session
Facilitator: In advance of the session
- Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
- Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
- Have any selected video or music clips ready to show
- Encourage your group to listen to the Faithelement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media)
Ask some opening questions like:
- What is your favorite place to get a burger? Do you prefer burger or burritos places?
- What is it about your favorite place that makes you go there?
After some discussion, play the Fast Casual video.
Ask follow-up questions like:
- Did you know McDonald’s was losing sales compared to other places?
- Why do you think people are willing to pay double for fast casual food? Play Japan McD’s Scandals video (if time).
ASK (if time):
- Do you want some fast food now?
- Do you think a scroll would taste better than some of the fast food shown in the video? ### Examination Have someone read aloud Ezekiel 2:1-8 then ask some discussion questions like:
- What is unique about Ezekiel’s call? Why is Ezekiel called son of man? – Why does Jesus use this title sometimes in the Gospels? – How hard is it to tell people the “good news” of Jesus when they will not listen? Have someone else read aloud Ezekiel 2:8-3:11 then play Bible Background Video.
- What is the significance of a scroll in Old Testament times?
- Aren’t you glad for Ezekiel that the scroll tasted good?
- Do you think it carries any long-term meaning that the son of man ate something strange that tasted like honey (think John the Baptist and Jesus)?
Hard Head
Continue the conversation with questions like these:
- What do you think it means that God made Ezekiel strong and hard headed?
- What would it be like to be tough but living in a world in which no one listened to you? Play Thing Saves video (you can stop it at about the 2 minute mark for teaching purposes).
– If Ezekiel felt anything like the Thing then how hard must his ministry have been?
- Do we find ourselves looking for strength to face a sometimes difficult culture in Jesus name?
How easy is it for us to hide on a bridge and pondering giving up like the Thing?
How can we keep from giving up in the face of life’s difficulties even if God has called us to a tough place and/or time?
Close this session with a prayer asking God to give us the strength to be faithful followers, even when the task seems difficult or futile.