Before the Session
Facilitator: In advance of the session
- Review today’s scripture text and the session activities to help better facilitate the discussion.
- Have the Bible Background Video ready to view.
- Thoroughly review all the referenced resources for this session in advance.
- Encourage your group to listen to the FaithElement podcast ahead of the next session (Share the link via email or social media).
Watch this video of a shepherd and his sheep and ask:
- What most stands out to you about this video and why?
- Based on this, what would you say is a shepherd’s job?
- What is the work of the sheep?
- What does it mean to be the people of God’s pasture or the sheep of God’s hand?
- How does this video help you understand your relationship to God or to the other sheep?
Read Psalm 95 then watch the Bible Background Video for this session before asking:
- What do you think it means to “make a joyful noise” in the context of this passage?
- Why do you think this passage starts with praise and worship, but reminds the readers of God’s disappointment with them?
- How does this passage fit into our Lenten journey?
- What does it say about God’s love and mercy?
- What descriptors of the relationship between God and God’s people do we read in this passage?
- What would God say about things we have done in our past that might have been disappointing?
Listen to Like a Shepherd and continue by asking:
- How does this song make you feel and why?
- In what way is this song the kind of “joyful noise” the psalm is calling for?
- How can someone be worshipful and give praise, knowing that we have all fallen short?
- In what way is Jesus’ “holding us” helping us rise above whatever regrets might arise from our faith
- How can we help people move past mere “noise” and toward a more authentic experience of faith?
Close with a prayer that ends like the following:
Good Shepherd, lead us as the people of your pasture. May we listen to your voice and answer your call. Amen.
Writer: Crystal Shepherd